Minix Neo A2 Lite User Manual

This is the MINIX NEO A2 Remote.

It has a full QWERTY keyboard on the back, which allows the use of the Search function in KODI.
As much as we would like every button to work 'out of the box', we need to make changes to the keymaps files for several of the front facing buttons
This task is necessary for the majority of RF remotes on the market.
Keystrokes sent were discovered by enabling KODI's debugging feature, and monitoring the debug log
The Actions associated with each button are completely within the user's discretion.
The example keymaps shown are only one possible permutation

NEO A2 Lite is a double-sided 2.4GHz wireless Gyro mouse and keyboard. NEO A2 Lite utilizes the latest six-axis gyroscope and accelerometer technology to give users total control of their MINIX Media Hub for Android™ or other compatible electronic devices. This is the MINIX NEO A2 Remote. It has a full QWERTY keyboard on the back, which allows the use of the Search function in KODI. As much as we would like every button to work 'out of the box', we need to make changes to the keymaps files for several of the front facing buttons This task is necessary for the majority of RF remotes on the market. Oct 06, 2016 MINIX NEO A2 Lite, QWERTY Keyboard only Compatible with Our Range of MINIX Media Hubs for Android and Six-Axis Gyroscope Remote. Sold Directly by MINIX Technology Limited.: Computers & Accessories.

Button Keycode key name Desired KODI action keymap file keymaps entry(s) Notes
0xf0de power Power Menu keyboard.xml <power>ActivateWindow(shutdownmenu)</power> Works by default
0xf0b7 volume_mute Mute keyboard.xml <volume_mute>Mute</volume_mute> Works by default
Sends signal, but not recognized by KODI
0xf091 F2 Next Subtitle keyboard.xml <F2>NextSubtitle</F2>
0xf088 home Next Audio Language keyboard.xml <home>AudioNextLanguage</home>
0xf080 up Navigate Up keyboard.xml <up>Up</up>Works by default
leftclick Select mouse.xml <leftclick>Select</leftclick>
available starting in version 15
0xf081 down Navigate down keyboard.xml <down>Down</down> Works by default
0xf082 left Navigate Left keyboard.xml <left>Left</left> Works by default
0xf083 right Navigate Right keyboard.xml <right>Right</right> Works by default
rightclick Back mouse.xml <rightclick>Back</rightclick>
available starting in version 15
0xf00d return Search menu keyboard.xml <return>SendClick(8)</return> Compromised choice, unfortunately a duplicate of this key
exists on the back of the remote. Both keys are affected by custom keymap entry
-- -- This button only
Enables/disables the Air-mouse
0xf0b8 volume_down Volume Down keyboard.xml <volume_down>VolumeDown</volume_down>Works by default
0xf090 F1 Stop Playback keyboard.xml <F1>Stop</F1>
0xf0b9 volume_up Volume Up keyboard.xml <volume_up>VolumeDown</volume_up>Works by default
0xf0bb prev_track Page Up keyboard.xml <prev_track>PageUp</prev_track>
0xf0bd play_pause Pause / Play keyboard.xml <play_pause>PlayPause</play_pause> Works by default
0xf0ba next_track Page Down keyboard.xml <next_track>PageDown</next_track>

1 Customized MINIX NEO A2 mouse.xml

2 Customized MINIX NEO A2 keyboard.xml (additions)

If there are multiple keymap entries for the same key name, the last entry wins.
I recommend placing manual entries at the end of the <keyboard> stanza inside <global>

This saves us the effort of finding and editing each original key assignment

3 keyboard.xml per Window customization

Another valuable tool when editing keyboard.xml: there are subsections which allow you to re-assign keys while in a particular 'Window'.
For example let's look this default entry:

While a video is playing (fullscreen) the <return> key will bring up the OSD, instead of executing SendClick(8) as assigned in <global>
If this behaviour is not desired, an additional manual entry is required in the relevant subsection.

4 keyboard.xml per Window customization, refining remote actions

Earlier I reassigned the <return> key within the <global> section of keyboard.xml.
This had one negative side effect: After manually entering text, pressing <return> would not submit the text.

The solution is to modify the action of the <return> key while in the VirtualKeyboard Window.
Add one line to the <VirtualKeyboard> section of keyboard.xml

5 remote.conf example for amlogic boxes


Example settings needed to map the power button (note - this only applies once the device has booted, the initial power on detection appears to be in hardware)

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NEO A2 Lite
2.4GHz Wireless Gyro Mouse

NEO A2 Lite is a double-sided 2.4GHz wireless Gyro mouse and keyboard. NEO A2 Lite utilizes the latest six-axis gyroscope and accelerometer technology to give users total control of their MINIX Media Hub for Android™ or other compatible electronic devices.


Gyroscope Gaming Support

Using the latest in 3D + gyro instrument technology, the MINIX NEO A2 Lite comes fully equipped with gyroscope gaming support capabilities - allowing for motion controlled gaming.

Superior Control & Accuracy

While the spacious keyboard has been specifically designed to enable efficient typing, ideal for writing emails and other typing based activities whilst sitting on the sofa.

Multi-OS Support

The NEO A2 Lite is compatible with the entire MINIX NEO Series – NEO X5 mini, NEO X5, NEO X6, NEO X7 mini, NEO X7, NEO X8, NEO X8-H and NEO X8-H Plus – in addition to all popular OS platforms, including Windows, Mac OS X, Android and Linux.

Minix Neo A2 Lite

Minix Neo X5

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