Clymer Eska Outboard manuals are written specifically for the do-it-yourself enthusiast. From basic maintenance and troubleshooting to complete overhauls, our Eska Outboard manuals provide the information you need. The most important tool in your toolbox may be your Clymer manual -- get one today.
5 Hp Eska Outboard Motor
Below is the current running list of manuals available for download. Feel free to download what you need. Please share this link if you are trying to help others out. We will add manuals as we get them. Do you have a manual that is not on this list that you would like to share? Send me an email at and we will go from there. An outboard motor manufacturer based in Dubuque, Iowa, Eska was advertised as America’s number one fishing motors during the 1970s. The Eska Company started in 1961 and concluded operations in 1987. In the late 1980s, electric motors joined Eska’s range of gasoline outboard. Outboard Manuals! No user account needed.:-) Outboard Manuals. Merchants on tradebit get a free subdomain with their account - fully customizable Sign up.