Sap Sales And Distribution End User Manual

SAP SD Tutorials – Sales and Distribution Module. SAP SD module (full form is Sales and Distribution) is one the largest functional Module in SAP.It handles all the processes from an Order to delivery. The main operations this module handles are Customer Sales Orders processing, pricing, Picking, packing, Shipping, billing and risk management etc.

SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) is an important module of SAP ERP consisting of business processes required in selling, shipping, billing of a product. The module is tightly integrated with other SAP MM & SAP PP. Key sub-modules of SAP SD are Customer and Vendor Master Data, Sales, Delivery, Billing, Pricing and Credit Management.

What should I know?

The course is designed for beginners with little or no SD experience. But knowledge of SAP basics is a plus.

Training Syllabus

Customer Master and Material Master dataCustomer is the key Master Data in SAP SD. In this section, we will learn about Account Group ( required to Create Customer Master), Partner Function (Businesses you work with), and Material Master ( goods sold to customer)
TutorialWhat is SAP SD? Introduction to SAP Sales & Distribution Module
TutorialCreate Customer Master
TutorialCreate Customer Number Range for Sales and Assign to Customer Account Groups
TutorialHow to Create Partner Function
TutorialHow to Create Material Stock
TutorialHow to Create Customer Material Info Record
TutorialHow to get Overview of Material Stock
TutorialCreate Material Master for Sales View
TutorialOverview of Sales Activities
TutorialHow to Create Inquiry
TutorialHow to Create Quotation
TutorialHow To Create Sales Order
TutorialHow To Create Debit Memo
TutorialHow To Create Credit Memo
TutorialHow To Create Sales Document Type
TutorialAll about Sales Document (header / item / schedule )
TutorialText determination for sales document header / item
TutorialWhat is Schedule Line Category and how to define it
TutorialHow to create Item Proposal
TutorialAll About Material Exclusion & Inclusion (Listing)

This section deals with actual packing, shipping and delivery of goods to the customer.

TutorialHow to Determine Shipping Point
TutorialHow to create Picking ,Packing and PGI
TutorialReturns , Free of Charge Delivery , Sub-sequent Delivery
TutorialAll About Consignment Process
TutorialOutput proposal using the condition technique
TutorialSubstituting Reason
Sap user manuals BillingThis section deals with invoice and billing
TutorialHow to Create Bill of Materials
TutorialHow to Correct Invoice
TutorialHow to Define Item Category
TutorialSteps To Create Blocking Reason
Distribution Pricing
TutorialDetermine Pricing by item category
TutorialAll About Tax Determination Procedure
TutorialAll about Text Type
TutorialSAP Item Category Determination: VOV7, VOV4
TutorialAll About Condition Exclusion Group
TutorialAccounting Key
Credit ManagementThis training material deals with credit management in SAP SD

Sap Sales And Distribution Configuration

TutorialGuide to Credit Management in SAP
TutorialSAP SD (Sales & Distribution) PDF

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